OC Department of Music holds free Grand Concert Sept. 29
The concert will showcase five musical groups starting at 2:30 p.m.
September 23, 2019 - Every year, Oklahoma Christian University celebrates the beginning of the fall semester by featuring the musical talent of its students. On Sept. 29, OC will present the free Annual Grand Concert featuring its jazz ensemble, choirs, string ensemble and symphonic band.
Professor of Music Heath Jones conducts OC's jazz ensemble and Aaron Parrot plays the guitar in preparation for the Grand Concert Sept. 29
OC’s music faculty organize the concert so the community and campus can see the capabilities of the different musical groups on campus.
Scott Filleman, director of instrumental ensembles, looks forward to not only the rush of performing but also to the intense preparation where students must navigate the process of working together.
“Personally, I enjoy preparing for the performance, those team moments in rehearsal where you’re working as a group, building something very special,” Filleman said. “There are those moments where you’re working together on something really quite neat that you only get in that room.”
The Grand Concert provides the unique experience of getting to see so many ensembles perform at one time. Each of the five groups will perform around three songs for 15-20 minutes. While there will be multiple concerts throughout the year, the next opportunity to experience all of OC’s music groups at one time will not be until Cocoa and Carols in December.
“The faculty and students are passionate about music, and we can’t wait to share a sampling of our work with the community,” Filleman said.
The free concert on Sunday begins at 2:30 p.m. in the Baugh Auditorium.
In addition, OC’s Department of Music invites high school musicians to perform at the university’s fall concert Nov. 7. Any high school student is invited to attend two rehearsals and then perform with OC’s symphonic band. Interested students can sign up online or contact Filleman at 405-425-5538 or via email at scott.filleman@oc.edu.
“It’s important for universities to do more for high school students,” Filleman said. “This concert is open to every high school student no matter the size of the school. I want students to know they are good enough to play in college.”