The mission of the Policy Above Parties campaign is to promote and get Gen Z to understand that national debt is an issue and it’s up to our generation to make a difference and find a solution.
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Campaign News:
Press Release
Chapel Panel
On Thursday, November 4th, Eagle PR will host chapel in Baugh Auditorium. At the event, a panel of speakers, including OC alum Sonia Coffin, as well as OC senior Brighton Frost will be speaking. At this event, the goal is to inform OC students about possible policy solutions towards addressing debt. We want our students to know that they can let their opinions be known to their leaders.
Information Booths
On Monday, October 25th, Friday, October 29, and Monday, November 1st, the Eagle PR team will be set up in the Brew (a coffee shop on the campus of Oklahoma Christian University), to give students information about national debt. We also plan on encouraging students to take part in the pledge competition.
How do I get involved?
There are two steps! Fill out the Google Form and then take the Pledge @ itsuptous.org/get-involved/pledge. It is important to complete both steps! The Google Form records club involvement and the pledge is for contacting your elected official.