OC interior architecture students showcase skills in Spring 2020 final project
Updated class equips students with new digital rendering skills.
September 3, 2020
Ryland Mills rendering
Students at Oklahoma Christian University faced unprecedented challenges this spring during COVID-19, but so many of them still excelled in their studies. That was especially true of two interior architecture students working with Assistant Professor of Art Amy Beauchamp.
Despite the abrupt COVID-induced pause during the Spring 2020 semester, current seniors Rylan Mills and Allison De Weirdt showcased their talent via OC’s revised Architectural Graphics class co-taught by Amy Beauchamp and Jamie Leake. Using their newly acquired digital skills, students transformed a quick-hand sketch into a beautiful digital rendering. This program offers valuable experience in providing a physical representation for future clients.
Beauchamp leads the interior architecture half of the class where she focuses on working with students to quickly hand-sketch potential room renderings for clients. With the class having been available for a long time, Beauchamp felt it was necessary to update the curriculum.
“This past year, we re-envisioned the class because I want them to have more experience with as much digital application as they can,” Beauchamp said. “In the past, the class spent a lot of time trying to perfect a drawing that was done by hand.”
When discussing the new vision of the class, Beauchamp explained how the digital aspect really took the student’s work to the next level.
“Splitting the class up this year, there’s the hands-on sketching aspect, but then there’s the digital component as well,” Beauchamp said. “This was the first year that we’ve had those things intersect with each other, and I don’t think I will ever go back to the other way.”
OC’s interior architecture major is unique as one of 14 faith-based schools within the U.S. and Canada that is nationally accredited, a fact Beauchamp believes draws prospective students.
“At OC, they’re a person, not a number,” Beauchamp said. “When students see the work online, they’re seeing the quality of the work, and alongside on-campus visits, they see that personal aspect of the school as well.”
Not only does OC work hard to provide top-quality classes for their students, but faculty also work hard to provide a place for all students to call home, according to Mills.
“It is so beneficial to get almost one-on-one instruction from the professors,” Mills said. “There are only a few of us in this graduating class, so we've become really close. There is a lot of interaction and collaboration between each grade level, which allows the older students to share their experience with the younger students.”
De Weirdt also commented on the uniqueness of OC’s interior architecture major.
“From freshman year in Elements of Visual Thinking all the way to Senior Capstone, you are always being pushed out of your creative comfort zone,” De Weirdt said. “Our professor, Amy Beauchamp, always takes the time to find unique ways of teaching us real-life experiences, such as going on elaborate field trips and having real architects and designers come in to critique our work.”
OC’s interior architecture major encourages students to be the best they can be, with professors always ready to push students to their limits and provide as many opportunities to help students transition into their careers.