Event Details:

In partnership with the First Amendment Center, Oklahoma Christian University’s Communication Program will host a panel discussion on free speech in social media Nov. 9 from 1:30-2 p.m. in Judd Theater. The event is free and open to the public. The hybrid event will feature in-person panelists and panelists attending via Zoom. For OC students, the event is kudos-approved for Ethos credit. For questions, call OC Associate Professor of Communication Dr. Josh Watson at 405-425-5527 or email at joshua.watson@oc.edu.


Dr. Jeremy Lipschultz

Peter Kiewit Distinguished Professor of Communication at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and author of the book “Social Media Law and Ethics”

Image Courtesy of unomaha.edu.

Texas Sen. Bryan Hughes

Author of the Texas House Bill 20, which prevents social media companies from banning Texans over posted political viewpoints.

Image courtesy of dw.com.

Dr. Philip Patterson

Distinguished OC professor of communication and author of the book “Media Ethics: Issues and Cases”.

Image courtesy of facebook.com.

Okla. Rep.

Kevin West

Represents Oklahoma’s 54th District and proposed a bill similar to Rep. Hughes’ in OK this year.

Image courtesy of okhouse.gov.