National social media expert Chris Strub inspires students and the public at free OC event Oct. 15
The public was invited to the Oklahoma debut of his documentary “50 States, 100 Days” in Judd Theater.
October 21, 2019 - One of the nation’s leading livestreaming social media influencers came to Oklahoma Christian University to inspire others to use social media for good. Chris Strub, author of the book “50 States, 100 Days,” hosted a free screening of the Oklahoma debut of his documentary of the same name Oct. 15. The film and a question-and-answer session ran from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Judd Theater. People were encouraged to register at
Chris Strub hanging out with OC Alumna Erin Engelke in Oklahoma City.
A few years ago, Strub hopped in his car and visited one youth nonprofit in every state in just 100 days. Along the way, he became the first person to livestream on social media in every state, and he documented his journey, culminating in his book. Strub’s Oklahoma stop was at Sunbeam Family Services, where he worked with OC public relations alumna Erin Engelke, who is now the executive director of Calm Waters Center for Children and Families.
Just this year, Strub completed the documentary of his experience, and he is now visiting each state to talk about what he learned and to inspire others to share stories of hope on social media. Strub has also created a name for himself as the #givindayguy, helping numerous organizations with their online giving day events.
OC Assistant Professor of Communication Josh Watson jumped at the opportunity to bring Strub back to OKC.
“Chris exudes positivity and has worked with many large brands on social media; everyone who has worked with him has loved the experience,” Watson said. “We’re honored to be the Oklahoma location for his documentary screening, but we’re more thrilled that he will spend time with high school and college students inspiring them to use social media for good.”
Strub’s visit was made possible through support from OC’s College of Liberal Arts, Department of Communication and its Public Relations Student Society of America chapter. He visited with OC students in multiple classes Wednesday, including with Eagle PR, OC’s award-winning student-run PR firm. In November, OC will have a grand opening of its new Social Media Command Center, an agency workspace with six high-definition flat screens for real-time social media monitoring.
Strub is looking forward to returning to a state he has enjoyed visiting.
“I can’t wait to visit the great state of Oklahoma to screen the film and talk about my journey and work,” Strub said. “It’s an honor to share advice with students, too. It will be a lot of fun.”
Chris Strub presents his film “50 States. 100 Days.” in Oklahoma Christian University’s Judd Theater on Oct. 15.
This was Strub’s third visit to Oklahoma City. A few years ago, he visited while serving as the Salvation Army USA’s national Red Kettle Ambassador, highlighting the good work being done at 25 locations over 38 days. The 6,152-mile #FightForGoodTour, from Houston to New York City, was featured in The Huffington Post and in a four-part video series on
Between television, radio, print and digital, Strub has been interviewed more than 100 times. He has worked with numerous national brands since his #TeamStrub adventure began.
Strub is one of the most experienced live-streaming pioneers in the U.S. He has spoken about social media best practices at events nationwide, including Social Media Marketing World. He is a LinkedIn Live beta tester -- one of the first six people in the world to use the medium -- and a power user of Switcher Studio for Facebook Live. Chris has been featured by Inc Magazine, won an award from PR News, and was named one of 2019's Top 50 Social Media Marketing Influencers by TopRank Marketing. Strub also will be a speaker at Social Media Marketing World 2020 in San Diego, California.
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