OC art students honored in the newest Creative Quarterly, a national magazine

Issue 62 of Creative Quarterly includes a winner and runner-up in Kinsley Flynt and Meredith Langley.

May 2, 2021

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Oklahoma Christian University Art + Design majors Kinsley Flynt and Merideth Langley recently had their artwork accepted into Creative Quarterly, a competitive magazine for artists to submit their best work.

Creative Quarterly accepts pieces from professionals and students within five categories: fine art, illustration, graphic design, advertising and photography. Flynt, a junior, won in the student fine art category. Merideth, a senior, was a runner-up in the illustration category. 

Flynt was encouraged to submit her digital painting by OC faculty. 

“The Art + Design Program encouraged us to submit something to Creative Quarterly last Fall, so I narrowed down my work from the past couple semesters and landed on submitting this one. About a month or so after entering it, I found out it was considered a ‘winner’ alongside two other students, which was a huge honor.” 

The piece submitted by Flynt was titled ‘Piano Hands,’ a painting she completed in OC Art Professor David Crismon's Digital Painting class. 

Flynt’s and Langley’s artwork will be available soon on Creative Quarterly’s website. Learn more online about OC’s Department of Art + Design programs in Fine Art and in Graphic Design.


Here’s the link to Flynt’s digital painting. 

Here’s the link to Langley’s illustration