OC’s College of Humanities and Bible honors students of the year

Faculty awarded graduating and top students according to their programs. 

May 1, 2021

The College of Humanities and Bible at Oklahoma Christian University has selected their students of the year. The faculty chose the best graduating and undergraduate students in their programs to present awards to the week of commencement. Faith, discipline and excellence are a few of the qualities demonstrated by this outstanding group of individuals. 

OC honors the dedication shown by these scholarly students, and the faculty anticipates the future successes in these students’ futures.

Below is the list of students according to their program. 


Fine and Performing Arts

Music: Kelsey Ritchie

Gaming and Animation: Blake Darrow

Gaming and Animation: Lizley Avila

Education and Behavioral Social Sciences:

Early Education: MaKayla Engle 

Elementary Education: Allie Custer

History: Brighten Frost

Political Science: Bryce Bryan

Psychology: Logan Riddle

Family Science: Alexandra Steward

Political Science: Alexandra Steward

Criminal Justice: Christopher Eichler

Criminal Justice: Dylan Ingram

Language, Literature and Communication:

Communication: Blake Mayfield

Language and Literature: Kellen Welch

Language and literature: Isabel Belisle


Raymond Kelsey Leadership: Elijah Eck

Hugo McCord Ministry: Adam Allen

Dean’s Award: Brady Davis

OC and the College of Humanities and Bible proudly congratulate and recognize the hard work these students displayed in their studies this year.