Eagle PR as partnered with the National Organ Donation to raise awareness about the importance of organ and tissue donation among the community. Approximately 117,000 people wait for their lifesaving transplant, but many die before they are able to receive one daily. Our goals are to increase awareness and understanding of organ donation, encourage discussions, and promote the facts and benefits of organ and tissue donation in addition to clarifying myths that hinder donation.
OC Facts
84.5% of OC employees and students have a family member who has either donated or been a recipient or an organ or tissue transplant.
86.8% who are not organ donors have considered becoming one.
If you are sick or injured and admitted to the hospital, the number one priority is to save your life. Organ, eye and tissue donation can only be considered after all life-saving efforts have been made and death has been declared.
Anyone can donate an organ, eyes or tissue, regardless of medical history, age or race.
There is no cost to donors or family member for taking part in the transplantation process.
More Resources
Check out the latest on social media below!
Congratulations @intinstrumental and Rachel Parrett for being our social media winners and sharing why you're… https://t.co/3d9dngAR2l
Congratulations Carly for winning a gift card for taking our second survey about organ donation! #DownToGive https://t.co/T7LAnIclCI
Congratulations @katykanet for winning our gift card after taking our survey about organ donation! #DownToGive https://t.co/bytBsjCMY8
Fun fact of the day: One tissue donor can enhance up to 75 lives. Imagine being able to help that many people simpl… https://t.co/30srZWgB4S
Did you know one organ donor can save up to eight lives? Just one of the many reasons we’re #DownToGive! https://t.co/Txnh0SB1Nl
RT @OCEaglePR: Check out this @OCTalon article about our @downtogive campaign where we raise awareness about organ donation and en… https://t.co/zkS9j44D8i
Congratulations to those who helped spread awareness by encouraging others to become organ donors! You still have t… https://t.co/qCY8I9HBpb
We loved all the posts that have encouraged peers to become organ donors! We want to continue sharing those stories… https://t.co/xMXuZKGulu
RT @MandolinReyne: I’m an organ donor because it’s an easy way to have a lasting impact and show love to others even beyond our lifeti… https://t.co/iEDQoaQoAg