OCs Psychology Club will meet Fridays at 4 p.m.
Every Friday at 4 p.m, the Psychology Program hosts a meeting for Psychology students to build a community for majors and minors. The goal is to help those students have closer relationships, especially between the different class levels. The club meets in the Davisson American Heritage building.
Associate Professor of Psychology J.P. Miller leads this club and hosts students inside and outside of the Psychology Program. The weekly meetings are a good opportunity for psychology majors to get together and celebrate their interests with one another in a fun environment.
Psychology major, Aurora Walker, is a member of the Psychology Club.
“We welcome any ideas that people may be interested in, as our main goal is to increase participation in psych activities,” she said.
To help members of the club get more involved, there will be a T-shirt design contest for those in the Psychology Program, study sessions for most of the classes before tests for those who may be struggling with the material and different events like a magic show and a trivia night open for everyone to enjoy.