OC alumnus and former administrator Kyle Wray promoted to interim senior vice president for executive affairs at OSU.
The former OC vice president for enrollment and marketing is the top assistant to OSU’s new president.
Image courtesy of LinkedIn.com.
Kyle Wray, a former Oklahoma Christian University student and employee, recently earned an impressive new job title: the interim senior vice president for executive affairs at Oklahoma State University. His job will be permanent once it’s formally approved by the state Legislature, making him the top assistant to OSU’s new president.
Wray graduated from OC in 1989 with his bachelor’s degree in political science and government. He has worked at OSU since 2004, but he firs started in higher education at OC.
“I had a president at Oklahoma Christian sort of come and tell me that my alma mater needed me, and I didn’t know anything about higher ed at the time and certainly not administration, but I’m a people person,” Wray said, according to a story on him in his hometown paper, the Sand Springs Leader.
Wray worked for OC for a time before transferring to OSU, where he has been ever since.
According to Wray, he is “[p]assionate about helping others and making a difference,” which he has proven throughout his career.