Oklahoma Community Orchestra to hold Young Artists Competition at OC Jan. 29

Winners will be given the opportunity to perform at the OCO concert in April.

Oklahoma Christian University’s Music Program welcomes and encourages aspiring musicians through numerous concerts and experiences. On Jan. 29, OC will host an opportunity specifically designed for young artists in Oklahoma. 

The Oklahoma Community Orchestra will hold its Young Artist competition for talented student artists in OC’s Adams Recital Hall. Students auditioning must have musical proficiency in four instrument categories: woodwinds, brass/percussion, strings and piano. 

This will be OCO’s 18th annual competition, with most of those also occurring at OC. Founded in 1984, OCO is a nonprofit organization that promotes the performing arts, provides quality performances of symphonic literature at a nominal charge to the community and helps to exercise and improve the artistic skills of those in the orchestra. This year's winners of the four categories will receive $700 and an invitation to perform in OCO’s winners showcase concert on April 12 in OC’s Baugh Auditorium. 

OCO will have one concert before April, and while it will not be at OC, it will feature OC Communication alumnus Lucas Ross, a local comedic performer and banjo player. That Feb. 27 children’s concert will be at the Oklahoma City Community College at 4 p.m. To learn more about OCO competitions and concerts, visit www.okorchestra.org.

Eagle PR Staff